
Shaw Nature Reserve

Providing nature loving gardeners an opportunity to garden in a natural setting and learn about local native plants.  Shaw Nature Reserve offers Master Gardeners opportunities to support the love of native landscaping in many ways: Ecological Management: Workdays are scheduled most Saturdays and activities vary by season. In January, work includes cutting invasive brush with loppers/bowsaws (honeysuckle, privet, buckthorn), treating the stumps with herbicide and stacking/burning the brush. In the growing season projects may include pulling sweet clover (yellow & white) or cutting and treating euonymus vines. Collecting seeds is done in the later summer and all fall long. On the job training. Horticulture: Work in the Whitmire Wildflower Garden including seed collection, greenhouse propagation, planting, and maintenance of the garden. Volunteers are also needed for plant sales, special events, and data entry. On the job training is offered. Teacher-Naturalist: Teach children outdoors, September through May. Classes are hands-on with a focus on sensory awareness and ecological concepts. This work involves a minimum of one day per week during the school year and a monthly training session. Initial training is given and required. Work days list and sign-up New volunteers at MBG mandatory profile form

Project Leaders

Scott Woodbury
636.451.3512 x6078

Mike Saxton
Ecological Restoration Specialist

Karen Bryan, Teacher Naturalist
Education Program Coordinator
636.451.3512 x6008

Project leader

Scott Woodbury
636.451.3512 x6078

Mike Saxton
Ecological Restoration Specialist at Shaw

Karen Bryan, Teacher Naturalist
Education Program Coordinator
636.451.3512 x6008